
Now is the time to create Your Freakin’ Amazing Awesome Life!™. Are you ready?

Our coaching programs are designed for young adults between the ages of 17 and 32 who are determined to create amazing lives right out of the gate. If you:

  • Are graduating from high school, college, graduate school, trade school or any other educational program
  • Are ready to create Your Freakin’ Amazing Awesome Life!™. As in, get out of your parent’s basement or the bedroom you grew up in and become powerfully independent
  • Want to jump into a job search and/or career with power and focus
  • Find yourself anxious or shut down in the face of this major life transition
  • Know that there are gaps in your life that would fulfill you and you can’t quite get clear on what you need
  • Want a plan of action and accountability to help you succeed
  • Understand that creating a balanced and satisfying life requires vision, goals, and action
  • Are coachable and ready to take action on feedback and look at yourself openly and honestly
  • Want to share yourself with the world with pride, confidence, and authenticity

Then we want to work with you!

When you jump into working with us, you will:

  • Create a lifelong shift in how you come to the table in your life
  • Create strength, acceptance, peace and balance in the face of life’s challenges
  • Reconnect with your authentic self on a holistic level, opening the opportunity for you to take action on the things that are most important to you
  • Gain freedom from a lack of self-confidence and self-worth
  • Learn to access and activate your innate ability to heal yourself
  • Create your own roadmap to a life of Holistic Well-Being™ and learn the tools to actualize that life
  • Become more productive at work and in the activities & communities that are most important to you
  • Face anxiety, panic, fear, depression, with an newfound power and effectiveness that allow for rapid recovery from a breakdown

Ready to create Your Freakin’ Amazing Awesome Life!™?

Invest in our signature coaching program for yourself right now with our Your Freakin’ Amazing Awesome Life™! – 108 Day Program and begin to create your most amazing life right away!

and begin to create your most amazing life right away!

Not ready to commit to the full 108 day program quite yet? Check out our Your Freakin’ Amazing Awesome Life!™ – Mini Experience to see what it’s like to work with me.

Got questions? Please contact us at any time!