Freakin’ COVID-19 and Opportunity

I, like you, have been riding the waves of a global pandemic.  This life-altering time has been a painful gift to humanity.  In my mind, COVID-19 ripped off a thick scab covering a festering, oozing infection of rage, hate, fear, violence, ignorance, and intolerance.  So, on top of facing uncertain quarantines, the crashing economy, and an invisible enemy, our society has now been presented with civil unrest and violence in the streets.  I weep for us and our children right now (often).  And again, I know deep in my soul that it’s all a gift.

How you say?  

  • It’s a gift that has brought us to remember and be a part of community.
  •  It’s a gift that has shown us who our true friends and loved ones really are.  
  • It’s a gift that has opened the doors for us to return to nature, breathe fresh air, and be outside.  
  • It’s a gift that’s given us the opportunity to pause and see where our opportunities for growth truly lie.

Now more than ever there is a time for introspection and getting to know yourself on a deeper, more loving, personal level.  Is this something you’ve been doing?  Or perhaps it’s something you struggle with accomplishing?  

Given all the external stressors right now, it makes perfect sense if your personal development hasn’t been at the forefront of your mind. In fact, many people are struggling with anxiety, depression, resurfacing substance abuse, weight gain, etc. Again, there is time right here, right now to turn off the painful path of ruminating, being tearful, or wishing for an escape! You can, instead, choose to steer yourself into a place of optimism, strength, hope, and inner peace. If you are struggling, then maybe now is the time to invest in yourself and consider some simple guided visualizations or a deep dive into 1:1 coaching.

If you or someone you love is struggling right now, I implore you to seek support during these very troubled and stressful times. Humans are not designed to go it alone. We need each other more than ever. Please feel free to use me as a resource. I am here to serve.

Creekside Inspired Intention

Yesterday, while I was driving up to Red Rocks for a hike, I got the news of the mandatory, state-wide, stay-at-home order put into place by Governor Polis of Colorado.  I had left my house to get fresh air and a break from my family.  I arrived hoping the park would be relatively empty; it was not.  There were people hiking and biking everywhere.  The trails were visibly crowded; so I left and started driving up Bear Creek Canyon.

I found a little spot down an embankment. right by the creek.  It was perfect, beautiful, and peaceful.  Being the creature of nature that I am, it took me a few minutes to pick my spot and first settled onto a rock sitting upright, legs crossed.  It was so grounding and peaceful; it was such a huge blessing in the moment.  The creek was running fast and cold. It was so loud that I could not hear the traffic on the winding canyon road above. 

Open eyed meditation quickly became my state of being, absorbing all I saw.  I was so moved by the experience that I instinctively began chanting, “Thank you for the sun.  Thank you for the leaves.  Thank you for the water…”  I sunk into a deep state of gratitude and peace.  I could see and feel the earth pulling all of the negative energies downstream, reassuring me that she has me.   There was a lightening of my body, energy was clearly flushing away and creating space for love and peace.  

I moved to another pair of rocks that provided a perfect lounge chair.  The sun was setting and the reflection consistently shifted across the surface of the roaring creek.  It was stunning and gratitude for nature filled me again.  Feeling the cool rocks against my skin, the breeze through the canyon, and hot late-day sun truly nurtured my spirit in a way nothing but nature can.

Gazing directly across the creek, with my feet and knees in view, I stared at the water where it was crashing down rocks; noticing that the splashes were never exactly the same.  The water simply flowed and flowed – never stopping.  This is definitely not the first time I’ve watched a creek flow.  It’s a regular activity for me.  There was something different this time.

Sitting inside the beauty of nature, totally at peace, one with the earth and myself, feeling love,  it occurs to me that this same perfect beauty I am sitting within, bringing me such a gift in this moment, is also the source of the Corona Virus circulating the globe.  The earth released this thing into our world and is changing life as we know it.   

Then, sinking further into the experience of nature’s perfection and flow.  I hear that this is all divine timing, divine messaging, and we are receiving it from mother nature via this illness.  I heard, “I’ve sent this virus to you to let humans know that they have missed something along the way.”  We are being awakened, now.  Whether we like it or not.

Will we flow like the creek?  Or will be be self-centered, vengeful, fearful, and greedy?  Will we stop and consider the necessity of community to make it through this time?  Or will we lock-in and hoard toilet paper, guns, and ammo?  Nature is giving us such a perfectly beautiful opportunity, to become just like the creek and be in flow & union with everyone & everything it serves along its path.

My mission, during this time, is to be in service to myself, my family, and my community.  If there is any way that I can support you or your family during this time, please contact me.  To be of service right now, I want to offer an intention for unique time in human history.  The format of the following intention is very specific, and learning how to create an intention in this way is part of the training inside my coaching programs.  It is a valuable and powerful tool for everyday living.  

Having an intention for this moment invokes peace for me, as I hope it does for you.  Please feel free to adjust as it suits you.

I create health, peace, and unity for all of humanity while being in gentle allowance of all that arises during this unprecedented time. 

Sending you, your loved ones, and everyone in the world much love, light, and health.